Saturday Series on 8/22/2020

Saturday 8/22 Race Results

Well the winds were challenging in both direction and speed today. It was predominately from the West, with big shifts mostly to the N, with an occasional NE thrown in for good measure. The speed was very light on up to as much as 4-5, but mostly light. Brad (RD) tried to give us as long a course as possible and as much variety as the wind shifts would allow. So, it was mostly a short windward leg to G (P) sometime Y to G, over to mark 2 (P), reach to mark 3 (P) and sometimes 4 (P), then a windward finish. Brad almost wore out a marker changing the course on the board to keep up with the wind shifts.

Gold Fleet Dave S cemented his first-place finish for the day with the help of 7 firsts, five of them in a row.

Larry W continued his winning streak in Silver fleet finishing first place for the day with the help of 6 firsts. Brad being RD earned him a first place which helps offset the 7th place he got for last Saturday’s race when he had to miss because of his daughter’s wedding. Priorities Brad. Scott W is coming on strong even though he is coming into the season late.

This was our best skipper turnout of the Saturday Series with 7 in Gold and 5 in Silver. Although the winds were challenging, it was a safe and fun day to be racing.