Saturday Series Micro Magic on 8/28/2021

Micro Magics, Saturday August 28

In the Micro Magic Class competition, again we had 6 competitors, a good turnout for the Class, especially considering the fact that it is new to WRMYC in 2021. Rick Lawler won for the second Race in a row, with 12 net points. After Rick, Doug Rieger finished Second, Bob Schuster Third. (In the Micro Magic Series, we sail as one Fleet, no Gold and Silver as in the Soling 1 Meter competition.)

The Micro Magics are catching on, and we anticipate more participation in 2022 after Club members have a winter to build the new boats (or buy a used one after the upcoming 2021 Region 4 Championships hosted at SPIRE, September 24-26, where we are building boats for loaners).

Smaller (called B, C, D, and even E) rigs allow for sailing the small boats in almost any wind up to even above 30 MPH. For cost reasons, in 2021 we limited the rig and sail combinations to those that are included in the Micro Magic kit.

So far in 2021, using A rigs only, we have had but one day here Micro Magics were not sailed for wind reasons. WRMYC will consider and vote on whether to open up allowable rigs for Club Micro Magic competition next year; at the November Club Meeting we will look at whether continuing that policy for 2022 or allowing all Class-legal rigs going forward.