What We Race
Footy - Developmental

Sanctioned in 2006. Low cost, fun, easy to build class that puts to rest the theory that boats under 30" long don't sail well. 12" long (thus "Footy") is the smallest of the development class yachts.

That photo isn't skewed, this boat is called a Footy and it's ...yup 12 inches long. Sanctioned in 2006. Low cost, fun, easy to build class that puts to rest the theory that boats under 30" long don't sail well. 12" long (thus "Footy") is the smallest of the development class yachts.

Class Rules

Class Website

Victoria  - One Design

Sanctioned in 1997. Low cost, ARS kit from Thunder Tiger modeled after the America's Cup yachts from the 1990's. 30.7" long, 433 sq in sail area, 4.5 lbs displacement.
The Victoria One Design is a simple, affordable, sailboat manufactured by the Thunder Tiger Model Company, and distributed world wide. The kit's low cost (about $150 for the kit, $250 to perhaps $400 ready to race), ease of assembly, and good sailing characteristics make it a great first yacht, while remaining fun to sail and race for old hands as well. It is easy to transport, fully rigged, in the smallest of cars. The emphasis of the Victoria is on SIMPLICITY and FUN, and to these ends check out the Victoria Class Information Center for the latest building, tuning, and sailing tips, along with other interesting and useful information about the boat.

The boat itself is made of ABS plastic, and is quite durable, capable of surviving virtually any mishap or collision. The kit also includes high quality aluminum spars, sails, and all necessary fittings. All you need to do is add a two-channel radio, two servos and you're ready to sail. Construction is generally a weekend project. The ease of assembly also makes the Victoria a great "club" boat, as new skippers can buy a boat and join the racing with a minimum of trouble and expense. Many clubs conduct "Silver Fleet" racing consisting of boats made entirely from all kit parts.
Class Rules