Become a Member
To join Western Reserve Model Yacht Club (WRMYC):
WRMYC Has an all-inclusive way to join both the Club and the AMYA. Fill out ONE form, Add ONE check, and the Club will handle the rest!!

1. Complete the Membership form - from "Abou"t then "Club Documents" Links above

The Club will register you as a Member, complete your application to join the American Model Yachting Association, and Register your boat with the Class. Normally- these are all separate transactions, with separate forms, and separate payments. Not any more! – go to AMYA website
(Direct link to Membership page) AMYA Membership page
There is a link to fill out the form, and then send a $100 check to the Club. Your payment is valid for (WRMYC) the current year (and after July 15- the next year as well), the AMYA - one year (actually 4 quarters) after you pay dues, and entitles you to all the benefits of both organizations. AMYA Membership is a requirement to be a member of WRMYC.

The AMYA will sign you as a Member, and assign a Member Number. This process takes about 7 to 10 days. You will receive a Membership Card via e-mail, and a new Member packet including a Model Yachting magazine or two, and some other information. 2. Mail the check and completed WRMYC Membership Form to our Treasurer OR bring everything to a WRMYC event.

WRMYC Treasurer

  • Ron Sieloff
  • 11490 Gate Post Ln.
  • Chardon, OH 44024
  • PH#(440) 381-0802